The rise of the Delta Variant

3 min readAug 2, 2021

dun dun dun

Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

I am writing this 6 days into my quarantine. Unfortunately, I have become a victim of COVID-19 because of my idiot cousin who chose to go away to New Hampshire with a group of his family and friends with knowledge of being sick…. yeah — read that again. Not to solely place blame on my cousin because some individuals on the trip did not share they were NOT vaccinated and were galavanting maskless in New Hampshire.

I am livid. I think I’ve hit all the stages of grief. I reached acceptance today for a brief period of time but as I’m writing this I feel every single emotion all over again. This is just all extremely frustrating.

To think that I dodged COVID working in a hospital ON a COVID unit just to get this horrible disease from my inconsiderate family member. Not only has this caused a disruption in my life but also my mental state. There are a lot of plans that I’ve had to sit out due to this predicament. I had a wedding, a trip to Mexico and my birthday plans that all are on a back burner because of a positive COVID test. I know these don’t sound like extreme plans but I work 3 jobs with rarely any breaks so this was supposed to be my time to shine.

Yes, I am vaccinated and only experienced minor symptoms such as congestion, runny nose and headache for two days — while my non vaccinated small minded…

