Member-only story
Should I start a podcast?
probably not —
Anyone else go through phases of hopping from one hobby to another? No? Just me…? Oh, okay… Growing up, I thought I was invincible and capable of succeeding at everything. I know this sounds straight forward but I just had a feeling that no matter what, I would be amazing at whatever I chose to do. It wasn’t a cocky demeanor either; I wish I still had that mindset but life & people have a way of draining your confidence. Many of us are on this platform because we believe in ourselves enough that people will read our work… willingly. I know my writing may be mediocre compared to members with thousands of followers making a living off their Medium posts; however, I know I am capable of expanding my skills and practicing so my writing will one day be exquisite.
I may or may not be in a new hobby phase precipitating the desire to start a podcast — as if I don’t have enough on my plate already with my lack of writing on this platform while juggling all my jobs. A few years ago, my best friends from college and I recorded a mock podcast episode that I had the responsibility of editing it, which I never got to doing — yikes! It was actually a humorous, relatable first episode. Who knows how far that podcast would have gone but we were so far from each other trying to maneuver life after college (excuses, excuses, excuses). Just recently, my partner & I recorded a…