Member-only story
Not really the catchy title I was going for…
It was a regular Friday morning, my dad was on his way home from his second grave yard shift that week while my mom poked her head in our room to make sure my six-year-old sister and I were awake. The smell of burnt popcorn lingered in the air from the previous night. My sister and I huffed and puffed while fighting over the sink space brushing our teeth getting ready for school. I was tired from staying up late reading my Jodi Picoult book — my sister was tired from me lighting up the room with my reading lamp.
My mom always had us prepare our clothes the night before school but I was not feeling the outfit that morning so I was already moody leaving the house. Little did I know, my outfit was going to be the least of my worries that day. Scratch that — little did WE know that day was the last time we would all be in that house together as a family. A house that my parents worked hard to purchase just shy of a year…
The last period bell rings and I made my way to my locker to grab the text books needed for my homework for the weekend. My bestfriend at the time invited me over for the weekend & I already knew what my mom’s answer would be but I entertained her anyway while making our way towards the exit. I overlooked the cops standing near the exit of the school building…